Korean original:  https://arca.live/b/counterside/55915019

 Counter:Side IF

 BOOK I: Twisted Fates

 BOOK II: Rise of the Administrator

 BOOK III: Legacy of the Voice

 BOOK IV: Minuet of Draco Serpensque

 BOOK V: The Urban Fairytale

 BOOK VI: Karin's Counterattack

 BOOK VII: Old Veteran

 BOOK VIII: Mater Matriae

 BOOK IX: Waltz in the Dark


 BOOK XI: The Origin

 BOOK XII: Imperium Sine Fine



 Rise of the Administrator

 “Every little step I take, you will be there, Every little step I make, we’ll be together♪”

 “And as a matter of fact, it blows my mind…♬”

 “Everybody wants to know what’s going down, not with the James, not the Jim, but the Bobby Brown♪”

 Unaffected by Corruption Waves, the well-preserved scenery of boring wastelands made a very rare and pleasant sight unlike the past. Upon the road parallel to the Brown Rock Canyon which boasts its magnificent look, an old roofless junker was running while playing nostalgic eighties music.

 The driver was Eddie Fisher who made a team with Charlie Rockwood and Jessica Green, who were sitting in the back seats, a mercenary hired by Karin Wong sitting next to him and was looking right while resting her chin on hand.

 Karin said. "I think I've heard this song somewhere before. was it from a video game…?"

 Eddie replied. "Hmm? no, it's just one of the tracks that I'd occasionally listen to with my daughter." his attitude is friendly and confident, giving much different impression from his counterparts in other universes.

 Charlie laughed and said, while his arms crossed. "Well, it's not that bad for classic music. I thought they're all boring." Jessica said as she bit a chocolate bar. "This isn't classic music, fool. the genre doesn't refer to any random old songs."

 While they were talking, the car was shaking a bit.

 Eddie glanced at Karin and said. "There are lots of road cracks, you see? I'm going as fast as I can like you asked, but clearly it's worsening the condition of my car…." then Karin said while she was looking at the canyon. "Don't worry about it. I will pay you enough to buy a new one."

 "Very well, then."


 "But can I ask something? I figured you're the commander of Delta Seven… then why do you even need us?"

 "Jehuty Biotech of America…."

 "Sure, the target."

 "It's complicated. this is a secret mission and the military isn't involved. that's why I require the service of mercenaries like you."

 Cold dusty wind gently breezed.

 Stretching both arms, Charlie said. "Well isn't this just a great job for the honest man of ethics and experiences like myself? you came to the right place, we can handle such things easily!"

 Tossing a trash to the left after finished eating a chocolate bar, Jessica said. "Again, you and your big mouth…."


 Eventually, as they arrived at the area they could witness the large building which was awkwardly stood out in this wilderness. that's the company of Jehuty Biotech that she was about to infiltrate. also, Karin intentionally chose this time because she had intel that Dean Conner, whose real name is Wilbur Whateley, is currently in there.

 'Just wait, Maria, Jake…. I will avenge you, even if it costs my life.'




 On the rooftop of the Alphatrix main office, at 7:00 AM KST.

 Probably it's about 3:00 PM in America, but in Ground One where the Coffin Company is located it's early morning. the Administrator called Hansol to wait at there, and asked Jia to bring Dorothy and other girls as well.

 Olympian stood there. obviously in early morning outside weather felt rather cold. first Hansol, then Jia and the OZ girls appeared. seeing everyone was gathered, the Warmachine stepped forward.

 "Hansol. I believe you attacked the unknown group which is known as the Wizard."

 "Yes, sir. that was true. it was reckless of me."

 Though at that time he did it out of justice, but he shouldn't have made such decision by himself alone.

 He's part of the Coffin Company. not some kind of free lance Counter. actions like that could be interpreted as a declaration of war against them.

 If something terrible happens in the future because of this unnecessary action then he'll be proven as nothing but a troublemaker. Hansol thought it as he couldn't say anything, dropped his head.

 But this looks really stupid and wrong to Dorothy. she said as she opened her eyes wide.

 "You're an adult, right? would you blame him? for what? what's so bad about doing good? he saved the helpless children. isn't that what adults should do instead of us anyway?"

 Olympian, not breaking the silence, just moved its machinery parts and made noises. though the Administrator was just sitting there and thinking, to them it looked like he was really angry.

 "…B-But maybe you should blame me instead. I promise, we can do anything for you so just forgive him."

 "That's right, we couldn't do that by ourselves so we asked his help. he didn't do anything wrong…."

 Dorothy and Liona said in a hesitating and murmuring voice. Skia Crow said in a calm and soft tone as well. "…You are not that petty, aren't you?" her headgear made ' :( ' signal.

 While resting his chin, and looking through all the other monitor screens, the Administrator said.

 "Dorothy, I must have to confirm. you said that you will do anything, is it not?"

 "That's what I said. if it's not something so weird… everything is okay."

 Dorothy blushed while she put her hands in the pockets. with that, black Olympian turned its red eye to Jia and said.

 "That shall be acknowledged. President Jia, they will participate in this operation."


 Certainly she had something against that decision in her mind. strangely enough, before she pleaded her exceptional loyalty in the monitor room of the Administrator, but knowing he's going to send them to the battlefield she couldn't really let herself approve this.

 This looks rather odd to the Administrator. she might be a lady of refined aristocrat in perspective a few decades before: but the world had been turned into a living hell where even the young girls and boys should have to fight for their lives against monsters.

 'Korea is rather preserved well, surprisingly. perhaps it's from the influence of the Alphatrix companies and its leadership.'

 As an example of Seo Yoon, so-called child soldiers are treated like stray cats that people don't even care: but rather try to manipulate them for their own benefit. Shin Jia, out of her heart, showed genuine concern for these young strangers in times like this.

 "All is at the absolute condition. this machine…."

 The Administrator felt a bit awkward for what he said, so he rephrased it.

 "…No, I myself can be rivaled with level 4 Corruptors in more than reasonable chance. do not worry."

 "Shouldn't I go instead of them, though?"

 "I suggest not. I need you to do what I asked since it's the job only you can do."

 Listening to their conversation, Dorothy said as she made nervous face. "W-What? where are we going?"

 Then Olympian explained. "Actually, we sent an investigator to that place and collected some data indicating the connection between the Wizard and Jehuty Biotech. obviously they, too, abducted children for human experiment purposes. to save them I need your help as well."

 Jia closed her eyes and let out a sigh. she could easily expect how they would react.

 Of course, Dorothy answered immediately. "Alright, I'm in!" and without an word Skia also showed 'O' signal with her headgear. just like them, Liona raised her hand and said. "T-Then, I will go too…."

 Jia said to Olympian. "You knew how they'd respond in the first place."

 "They're not toddlers. humanity demands more heroes than now."


 Even Jia herself knew their combat capability is rather decent since they got the equipments empowered with technology of Alphatrix corporation. but….

 "So, how about it?"

 "I'm just thinking… it's too early for them. that's all."

 Then Jia lowered her head and stared at Olympian's lens with a worried face as if she looked through it to the Administrator.

 "Promise me that you will protect them."

 "I promise."

 Then Olympian called ADS Coffin. Kim Hana copied, a few minutes later the ship descended slowly through the clouded sky. first Dorothy, then Skia, then Liona, then Hansol, finally black Olympian walked up the stairs and rode the ship.

 The destination is Jehuty Biotech of America.

 Actually, the Administrator already knew Karin headed there. and also the Artificial Corruptors that Wilbur created couldn't be handled by her alone. ADS Coffin rotated its head and at full speed, she flew to the Brown Rock Canyon.

 Sitting while his fingers crossed the Administrator was and thinking while his eyes fixed upon the screens. "Unlike the other universes, Delta Seven in this world had been reduced to almost nothingness. losing both Maria and Jake in the operation of assaulting the Replacer's base due to the conspirator who leaked their Dimensional Jump Axis. …as soon as they warped they were under attack."

 Only Karin survived from there like a miracle, and that was her report.

 Resting his chin on gently clenched fist, the Administrator thought. 'So the only thing left in Delta Seven is nothing but Karin. Rosaria didn't lie about that… Thor was dead long before I came. but nonetheless, whether it's Kyle or Karin it doesn't matter since they're both capable.'

 In a loose mood the Administrate yawned.

 "ADS Coffin… indeed very slow."

 He forgot to turn off the mic, so Olympian said exactly what the Administrator mumbled. Hansol listened to it and said while eating a sandwich. "Well, it's an old model. after all. but it's still good enough in my opinion…."

 'Oh, I forgot.'

 Then again he was boring just as much as others so the Administrator asked. "What were the meals like in the company?" then Hansol said. "Oh, I didn't expect you would be interested in something like that."


 "I mean, you're a machine after all."

 "…You presumed reasonably."

 Hansol then scratched his head.

 "Then again, we had so many curries. curry rice, curry bread, chicken curry…."

 "…In whose preference?"

 "I don't know, they just gave them."

 He seemed to really don't care, and was just biting a sandwich again.

 'As far as I know there is no one in the Coffin Company who likes curries that much….'

 Bizarre. while they were talking to each other, Skia was sitting on the floor and eating a sandwich too, and she displayed '?' signal on her headgear as she asked. "…Do you like it?"

 Hansol answered with a dry laugh. "You mean curry in general? I mean… I don't know. not my favorite but not that I hate it." then Skia looked at the floor. "Unfortunate…." the signal was changed to '…….'

 "What kind of Taskforce gives worse food than school lunches?" Dorothy turned her eyes from outside of the window to Olympian.

 "It has nothing to do with I, who have the body of machinery."

 "…Oh, I forgot you don't eat human food. you're acting so natural…."

 Liona sparkled her eyes after drinking her milk. "But I want to see how good curry chickens would be! Dorothy, you like chickens, right?" but Dorothy shrugged. "If we'd have such terrible dishes then you can have mine. it's all yours."

 'They surely do have different tastes.'

 Speaking of foods, the Administrator suddenly got curious and he asked Hansol. "What were like the dinners with your master?" habitually Hansol crossed his arms and then realized the sandwich sources got on his shirt.

 Liona gave a wet wipe to Hansol. "I think someone needs this." with smile Hansol took it. "Yeah, thanks."

 As he rubbed it on his clothe, Hansol answered to Olympian. "We always did rock-paper-scissors to decide who'd choose the menu. when I lost, I picked whatever I wanted to eat. when she lost, she picked for herself."

 'What…? of all universes no Hilde acted like that.'

 That's strange, the Administrator thought but didn't say anything. anyway Hansol kept said.

 "That's… the very unique rule of us. and it wasn't just for choosing dinner. same logic was applied to encourage me in training. she said, 'One day you might surpass me. you can buy me when that happens. if that happens, I'll gladly celebrate your improvement over my own defeat. but for now, I'd like to teach you the more important thing is diligence, and there are always rewards for efforts.' and… I…."

 '…What? did she actually say something like that?'

 Hansol's face was darkened in concern for his master.

 '…Quite unbelievable, she's so different from many Hildes from other universes.'

 The Administrator moved Olympian's cannon to gently(?) pat his shoulder.

 "Don't be discouraged. she will come back to us eventually."

 "…Sir, that hurts."

 "Oh… Sorry."

 '…I'm slowly understanding what she was thinking now.'

 The Administrator thought while stretching his back. 'This world is truly full of surprises….' The Coffin Company without Sooyeon, neither Mina nor Shiyoon is there, or any other familiar figures who always had been there. but even in this world, people have memories and hopes.

 'But I still wonder who's specifically making curries, though.'

 Thinking such trivial issues put the Administrator in a relieved mood somehow. surely, a small chitchat was all they needed to kill the time.

 …Though, the Administrator said the mission is attacking Jehuty Biotech but that's just the secondary goal.

 Actually what he had in his mind is trying to ensure Karin's survival: whether persuading her to pull back or work together with her.

 "System, move to the marked location in normal speed. Hansol, ready your blade. Dorothy, Skia, Liona…."

 "Yes, we're ready too!"

 Dorothy boldly responded, Skia and Liona seemed to be rather cautious.

 'For now, just observing the battlefield will be sufficient for them.'

 "…You three must hold the position and wait for orders."

 Liona let out a sigh of relief, Skia didn't say anything but made 'O' signal on her headgear. Dorothy, on the other hand, apparently didn't like that.

 "Then why are we even here?"

 "If I found where the hostages are, then you should escort them to the ship."

 "…I see. I get it."

 Though she looked rebellious but she had one clear goal apparently: saving the unfortunate children.

 'Somewhat reckless she might be but she has a very low threshold unlike Counters so I tried to warn her, but she doesn't make any fuss. it seems lecturing won't necessary.'

 Then suddenly they heard gunshots from outside. Hansol reported as he looked below. "Commander, there are about forty Corruptors on the ground encircling four mercenaries!"


 The Administrator moved Olympian to the catapult of the ship, and ordered Hansol.

 "Come to me, Hansol! the others, wait in the ship!"

 "Sir, yes sir!"

 Then from above like a giant meteor the black warmachine fell. descending, Olympian launched a barrage of missiles at the enemies in front of Karin, like a bomber.

 Hansol caught its speed and was falling next to Olympian, the Administrator moved its lens and gave him a command. "Do you see that woman with long brown hair? she must survive. protect her."

 Don't know why, but it doesn't matter. gripping his sword tightly as he answered. "Understood!"

 'It was the best for spreading rockets to where they can see, as it indicates the fact that we're their potential allies. but now it's all up to me. Olympian as base model cannot equip powerful weapons so it had to take Future-At-War's weaponry: not really plentiful missiles; the cannon isn't a good weapon against level 1 Corruptors attacking from blind spot.

 'Of course, Olympian can shake them off when they got close, but still it's not effective overall.'

 'With that….'

 Boosting backward, the Administrator landed Olympian not right next to Karin but in the middle of the engagement and the ship. if they could break out of encirclement, Olympian can provide covering fire.


 like a cat, though Hansol fell from such height he landed safely. it's the maneuver Hilde taught. Hansol then raised his sword and cut a Corruptor in half.

 "…Even with that inital fire, about thirty of them are left."

 'If the commander just bombarded with cannons and missiles then we could have killed everything without any difficulty. but the whole point is trying to save the woman. on that priority….'

 While Hansol was focused on both combat and the tactical situation, Karin asked from behind.

 "Who… are you? I didn't expect any reinforcements."

 "Yang Hansol of the Coffin Company. our boss told me to protect you."

 Hansol said while he carefully observed enemies then parried the claws of a Corruptor. barely could hold the enemy even with that large shield Charlie noticed Hansol and said. "Hey! so you're a Counter?"

 "I am." with reply, from left to right Hansol made a great slash. another Corruptor was slain.

 'If the master was here, she could easily wipe out them with her furious Bladestorm….'

 Still not as good as her he thought, but to Jessica he looked like a superhuman.

 "Unbelievable power… but how could you know we were in danger?"

 "I can't say, all I heard is this is our mission!"

 Like thrusting a spear, Hansol stabbed the eye of a Corruptor, using its body as leverage he kicked and pulled off the sword. Eddie asked. "that giant machine firing missiles is your boss, correct?"

 "Yes, he's our commander!"

 Then made his left foot as axis, Hansol rotated his whole body to swing his sword against a Corruptor.

 Any of those attacks literally killed them in a single blow.

 'He's as powerful as Jake… so he chose a sword as his weapon with reason. his movements are well-connected, balanced at both offensive and defensive. also he doesn't seem to overly rely on the brutal force of CRF, but excellently trained swordsmanship. is he self-taught? or since he came from Korea was he trained by other martial artists?'

 Stood next to Hansol, Karin shot down the Corruptors. while she was observing his movement, she was surprised when he made scary eyes and ran toward her.


 But with silence, Hansol thrust the blade into the heart of an enemy clawing at Karin's waist.

 'What…? was he fully comprehended the surrounding environment while he made such confusing maneuvers?'

 Hansol said to Karin who was impressed more about him rather than alarmed by the fact that a Corruptor was attacking.

 "This ring formation is about to be broken! can you see our ship? we must run through there, right now!"

 Hansol pointed his finger at Olympian and ADS Coffin in the sky. the black warmachine kept using missiles to push off the Corruptors, and tried to crack the encirclement with its cannon.

 Charlie said. "Yes, we really should! but what can we do?!"

 At that time, something crossed Hansol's mind. in a case like this….

 "Give me that shield!"

 Rather forcefully Hansol took his shield. while he had no clue, Hansol shouted.

 "Everyone, stay close to me and keep shooting outward!"

 Though Charlie wasn't the brightest guy but he was a veteran merc, so easily could grasp what he was trying to do.

 "Very smart of you, I like it! show us your power!"

 Charlie smiled as he reloaded his submachine gun. the others too, nodded, made back-to-back stance and rushed while spraying bullets everywhere.


 With a horrendous charge, Hansol bashed all Corruptors in his way, and following that sheer force Karin and Eddie and Charlie and Jessica, all successfully disengaged. they broke out and passed Olympian.

 "Hansol, get to the ship with everyone! I will follow that!"

 "Roger that!"

 Olympian then pushed itself forward, though the Corruptors swarmed it, but the black warmachine didn't even bother to use ranged weapons: just rolled its body, crushed everything with its body.

 'To come up with that plan in this situation, quite competent. if Shiyoon were here then what would he do?'

 Since he's the sly and swift one so could he kill the lesser Corruptors fast or…? thinking something like that, the Administrator rested his chin on left hand, with right hand he was doing button mashing. since it's not like tossing it around would be damages to Olympian, he didn't even care.

 Yet since it's the Corruptor's nature to attack every non-Corruptors, foolishly they kept pushing themselves to the dreadful black warmachine, while they were snapped and shattered and stomped.

 Such overwhelming power was witnessed by Hansol from the ship.

 "You said level 4 Corruptors wouldn't be an issue but… perhaps you can even defeat level 5 Corruptors."

 "Perhaps so."

 Just as Hansol said that, at the same time immediately from below Olympian ascended to the ship. Eddie was standing next to Hansol but seeing this, he was startled.

 "Ah! you scared me!"


 Did that giant machine casually say sorry to me? Eddie, from that moment when these strangers came from nowhere to help them, and listening to that, it genuinely felt like he was dreaming strange nightmare or something. literally everything was so surreal to him.

 Charlie said. "So, you're the boss of that Coffin Company, huh? man, you're huge and awesome." Olympian lit its red lens and glanced at him. "It is I." it said, "…You hurted not. then it's good."

 From their behind, Dorothy and Skia and Liona approached. Hansol turned his head and said.

 "That was a hard battle. though the Commander and I somehow managed it perfectly…."

 Dorothy agreed honestly. "Yeah, I saw that. even if we'd come down with you, probably we couldn't do much help. …I guess."

 "Huh? why the kids are here?"

 "Kid, you said? you don't look much older than me."

 Slightly annoyed that was Dorothy leered at Karin, her hands in the pockets. Karin said. "No offense, I apologize."

 Eddie thought as he looked at Liona and Skia. 'Though they're older than my daughter, still too young to ride a Dimensional Ship like this….'

 Anyhow, Olympian talked to Karin.

 "Greetings, Colonel Karin of Delta Seven. if you're still trying to attack Jehuty Biotech, then it will be the best for us to combine our strengths."

 "Who… exactly are you? how did you know that I was here?"

 "I'll tell you everything. but first, why don't you take a rest? all of you seem to be exhausted. don't worry about Wilbur, he won't go anywhere soon."

 Though very unexpected yet they are indeed allies. so out of relief Karin and others sighed, then lay down or leaned against the wall.




 Meanwhile, when Aki went to the Coffin Company there was neither Machine Gap nor Hansol. it was just Hana telling her to go to the Alphatrix main office and help president Jia.

 'I think they forgot I'm not that resourceful person in here….'

 When she asked Lena about the whereabouts of others, she said that the boss and Hansol went on the mission that assaulting on Jehuty Biotech of America, which Aki never heard of before.

 'For a company having only a handful of employees, surely they enjoy fighting….'

 It definitely looks weird. after the squad leader was wounded, the machine boss took another body and kept fighting as if nothing happened. and there are only two of them now, to be reminded. if this was like any other Taskforces then they would probably do Eternium excavation or hunting Corruptors, doing jobs something safe, but the senseless Coffin Company is acting more aggressively than ever.

 'For a peaceful person like me this is so… detrimental for my mental health.'

 Though Hilde suggested her for becoming an Operator or whatever, Aki just wanted to get the hell out of this insane Taskforce.

 Walking to the Alphatrix office while thinking something like that, and she eventually is there. with hesitation she talked into the intercom but the guy didn't let her in. fortunately she found Jia at the front door who recognized her and finally came in.

 'Why something like this always happens to me… I'm exhausted already.'

 In the lounge, Aki sat on the sofa and lowered her head. her Buster Sword felt like an embarrassing toy.

 "So, You're from the Coffin? I thought they're an elite group. since when they sent an errand girl like this?"

 From behind a women in a trench coat approached.

 "I'm sorry… who are you again?"

 "Lin Xien, a freelance Counter. you're new in here, aren't you? throughout the years I worked with your company as well."

 Then she put the sunglasses in an inner pocket. surely Lin looked like an experienced merc.

 As she asked for a handshake, Aki could see scars on her pale, white hand. her smile, more like a big-hearted tolerable man rather, strangely made Aki comfortable as she accepted.

 "…I'm Hirose Aki of the Fenril Squad."

 "Well met."

 "Are you a trainee or something? the Coffin Company I knew was very strict and almost felt like a military rather than a simple Taskforce. so, how are Hilde and Hansol doing?"

 "Oh… you see, today Hansol went with our new boss…."

 No… wait.

 Is it okay to tell the company's activity to the outsider?

 While Aki was rather reluctant to continue, Jia came back and said. "Ms. Lin, the Coffin Company is conducting a field mission today. squad leader Hilde was deeply wounded from a previous mission and she's in the hospital now."

 "…Master Hilde was defeated?"

 Lin asked with disturbed face.

 Jia sighed. "It's hard to believe, isn't it? yet it's true. though at first I tried to ask the investigation to them…."

 "…I see, that's why you called me. you did well to consult me since it's my profession for chasing down rabbit holes. you made a good decision, president Shin."

 While listening to their conversations, Aki realized Hilde was well-acknowledged and recognized figure. Lin, crossed her arms, was pondering about something then cocked her head and asked. "When things are going out of hand, there shall be heretics rising…. such phenomenones were observed from the old Han dynasty as well. so, is there anything I should know more?"

 Jia turned her head to the middle of the lounge room and said. "Computer, let us begin the briefing."

 Responded by a clear woman's voice, the blue hologram structure was unfolded at the center: showing the damaged vehicles and scattered bullets everywhere near the abandoned apartments.

 "We identified them as part of Magellan's Prediction Society, and our Alphatrix security force dealt with them."


 "I deduced they might be the supply division."

 "Interesting… but why?"

 Then Jia made a hand sign to instruct the computer. then the hologram was zoomed in, the images of the evidences they collected at the area became larger. "In the container there were clothes and MREs, but also ammunitions not matching with their firearms.

 Xien nodded. "Of course… it's reasonable to think so. but where they were heading?"

 "It's less crucial information as it didn't lead us to any clue. we searched all expected areas yet found nothing."

 That's why she was hired. Lin was known for her sharp mind and not stout body. of course, Jia could handle this if she was committed but there were so many other things she must take care of by herself.

 "I see… then it might be better for visitting there first."


 Then from her pocket Xien drew a cigarlette and bit it as she crossed her arms again, recollecting the informations. Aki noticed Jia was looking at her, felt like something bad is about to happen.

 'Uh, ah, why does she stare at me?'

 As she met Aki's eyes, Jia turned her head to Lin and said. "You might need assistance, so Ms. Hirose here can help you. contact me when you're in serious danger or picked up something important."


 …My heart always tells the truth.

 "Okay, then! you will not be disappointed. then, shall we go now?"

 Though Aki really couldn't think of any situation that required her power - if she had any - nonetheless Lin grabbed her arms and forcefully dragged her outside. probably because of her Counter Watch but anyhow she surely had a strong grip… literally.

 At outside.

 They were still quite awkward with each other and didn't say a thing. Aki kept glancing at Lin who was checking all the datas transferred in the device. since there wasn't a thing to lead to a clue she poked her head with a digital pen, Lin sighed and put them back in her coat pocket.

 "…Very strange case, isn't it?"


 "I-I mean… ah… haha…."

 Though she tried to say something since she had such disastrous social skill nothing was done. before saying something she thought about a lot of subjects like praising her as a veteran mercenary as she seemed to be or what did she do with the Coffin before….

 But as soon as she spoke, her head turned blank and couldn't even think anything.

 Poor Aki with her unfortunate habit. but Lin couldn't notice it and just kept the conversation. "Surely. if you can solve the mystery just by reading the report then everyone could become an investigator."

 She said as she stretched her arms. "Well, if Jia requires my help then it's not an easy job."

 "Haha… I think life gives us challenges."


 I mean….

 Why did I say something so weird even if I didn't mean it…?

 But seemingly Lin was amused by the reply. "Clearly so. personally I took this as a challenge, indeed." and she turned her head to Aki and asked. "You said that like an old man that I knew. say, how many Corruptors have you killed?"

 "E-Excuse me?"

 "Most interesting. as mercenary you make a living with that two-handed sword, aren't you?"

 '…Maybe I should have left this at home.'

 Aki couldn't understand the meaning when she heard that medieval knights or samurais rather not prefered fancy armors or weapons, but now she realized why they were so….

 This Buster Sword was just… cosplay purpose. because the protagonist of her favorite game used it.

 "N-No! I just can't afford that many bullets for each fight so using this sword instead… nothing else!"

 "Hmm…? But isn't this a fine sword. no need to be humble! what kind of idiot would push himself into struggle with Corruptors, if he's weaker than them?"

 …Oh, she said it….

 Ironically, Lin somehow believed what she said more than the actual truth.

 'This is so stressful….'

 …Now Aki doesn't even feel like to talk anymore. like, she rather wants silence.

 One hour later….

 They arrived at the area where the fight between Magellan and Alphatrix happened.

 Like giant nails hammered, uninhabited buildings stood there in this ghost town, which might be haunted by the Corruptors, gave a real chill in this dismal gloomy earth. even the wind felt like something came out from the netherworld, Aki couldn't stop shaking her hands but she soon noticed something.


 Then she turned her head to Lin and asked. "Can you see it? it's different from…."

 Aki could see Lin's keen eyes looking through the whole area. checking all possibilities while she was smoking.


 "Isn't that weird? all the remains are gone!"

 "Yes, I have eyes too."

 Lin brought forth a Corruption Detector. as the wind blows her coat and she was doing her job, Aki felt like this is real mystery and out of curiosity and excitement she asked. "Maybe the Alphatrix team did it?"

 "What…? Why do you think so?"

 Lin said as she didn't turn her head.

 "I mean… we just bury the dead, aren't we?"

 "You really have no experience in Task Forces, aren't you?"


 "Why would you even bother to do that with Corruptors? You see, those are worse than radioactive wastes. if you put them under ground, making it harder to purify the area."


 I did it again, said something really stupid again. Aki blushed.

 "Nowadays even Korea got strange cultists…."

 Lin poked the bloodstains with her eyes closed, focused. obviously something happened after the battle and before they were coming. but that's….

 'Surely, it's not us. and since no other people know this engagement, obviously it's them.'

 But for what reason Magellan's Prediction Society did this? was there any reason to do it?

 How intriguing….

 MPS is well-known faction with formidable force. and these men were supply division and had no informations more than that.

 'Why would they even bother to retrieve the bodies in such short time? this behavior is unusual for them. and… it looks like… they were pulled from the below? no, that's not possible at all.'

 After she was done smoking, Lin tossed a cigarette and stepped on it. Aki asked. "do their corpses even matter?"

 "We must consider."

 "But why?"

 "Those Magellan cultists were making so-called Elixirs. yes, that Elixir. though it might have nothing to do with this but in the past they feared the outsiders who tried to reveal the secret ingredients of those drugs, they burnt or decomposed the body of deceased fellow cultists.

 Feeling annoyance, Lin glared at Aki. "Coffin fledgling, seriously you don't know anything?" maybe that's because Aki interrupted her thinking.

 "I-I'm sorry…."


 She looks like a scolded dog now. Lin thought maybe she shouldn't be so harsh about her, but nonetheless she just turned her head and moved. better focusing on the job.

 "H-Hey, wait!"

 But suddenly.

 "…What did you say?"

 For some reason, Lin looked back and said in a scary voice.

 It's somewhat odd reaction and Aki was slightly frightened. "N-No, I didn't say anything, just…." though she couldn't understand but Lin wasn't angry: but rather just like her habit she was making such eyes to see the issues closer.

 …Something is there.

 Something, whispered.

 "Didn't you hear something?"

 But it's not like Aki would make such sound.


 "Something? no, I didn't."


 Feeling some sort of instinct, Lin sat down on the ground and cautiously put her right ear to it, as if trying to listen to something. Aki couldn't even assume what she was doing, when she repeatedly doing the same thing in different spots.

 '…What's wrong with her?'

 Then Lin looked at her and ordered. "Aki, could you put your head to the ground? I want to confirm whether you can listen something or not."

 "…What? should I have to?"

 "Do it, now."

 "N-No! it's scary… and besides, I don't want to get dirty…."

 She said with an annoyed face. "You're the employee of the Coffin Company, they sent you to the president Jia who told you to help me. if you don't, I will report this."

 For one reason or another she's beginning to disappoint.

 "…Au, uu… I, I will do it!" Aki felt this is so unfair but nonetheless she complied. but even with that she couldn't hear a thing. Lin then kept demanding her to check other spots but since neither of them couldn't find anything, she eventually stopped stubbornly asking and gave up.

 "…Is that so? perhaps there was really nothing."

 Then Lin just walked into the entrance of the train station.

 "Stop! don't go there alone!"

 Feeling a bit exhausted, Aki followed her with giant Buster Sword.

 'So in the end we found nothing…! what was that all about anyway?'

 Thirty minutes later.

 Deep inside of the underground terminal station, they couldn't even find a Corruptor though it felt like something was glaring in the darkness. Lin didn't make any noise and calmly advanced while Aki was very nervous and kept looking around.

 "Lin, do you think the bad guys are hiding in here?"



 She was next to her a minute before.

 But for some reason she's just vanished.

 Realizing she was alone in the unfamiliar place, Aki was alerted and frantically moved her body to every angle, then she stepped on something and fell.


 Being more scared by the sound she made, now Aki was in total panic. then from there someone was walking toward her - fiery lighting flashed. Aki squinted and tried to look but it was so bright. then finally could see what it was.

 It was a man in a begie jacket. from his back, the rectangular-shaped blaze was burning like wings. is he, too, a Counter? from his right hand the energy blade was extended, identical form of power to his wings.

 "It seems the darkness isn't your ally."

 'W-What is he?'

 Making mysterious smile, he swung his hand and stretched his energy blade even longer. as his wings were evaporated in thin air he approached Aki, illuminating every step with that blade. fearing his presence, Aki hurried to stand back and pointed the tip of great sword at him.

 "I-I will cut you if you come near me!"


 He didn't stop. unlike this unknown man who's in perfectly relaxed composure, Aki couldn't hold herself and raised her blade above and slashed downward. yet, with heavy noise the man's fiery energy blade blocked her attack.

 Not only the attack was pointless but with that Aki lost her balance and collapsed.

 "I-It hurts…."

 But the man didn't try to finish her quickly, just slowly walked to her as if nothing happened. this time, Aki tried to stab him just like Hansol did, but she forgot or didn't even know her weapon isn't particularly good at such thrusting attack.

 Yubin made an amused face since he also knew that.

 'Perhaps I shouldn't go hard on her.'


 Then, stood still Yubin gazed at the incoming attack and at the exact moment he lunged his energy blade to the tip of the enemy's weapon and quickly bent it over, as he swept his fist upward.


 Aki couldn't understand what was even happening. with all her might she charged at him with her great sword… but how? her entire body felt like twisted.

 Yet obviously Aki wasn't good enough to analyze or rather even recognize what even was happened. Then Yubin, picked up her sword and handed over its handle, which surprised Aki.

 "Eh? uh, uh?"

 "I figured you're not the part of those Magellan cultists."

 "Of course I'm not! president Jia sent us to investigate so I came here with Lin… I mean…."

 I shouldn't say the names of companions to this potential enemy, Aki suddenly realized it.

 but it didn't matter. Yubin didn't say anything but ponder as his left hand on right elbow and rubbing his chin with right index finger.

 It was clear Aki also misunderstood him as foe. she said in a shy voice.

 "Umm, you see…."

 Yubin was just focusing on something in his mind. Aki said again.



 "So you have nothing to do with… them, whoever they are. I'm sorry."

 Without sign of unpleasant mood he said.

 "Don't worry about it."

 "So… uh, who are you?"

 "The name's Na Yubin. let's just say you could recognize me as a diligent and modest city hall officer."

 "C-City hall…?"

 Then someone said from a distance.

 "Why do you even bother to pretend? recently I couldn't even see you there…."

 It was the voice of Lin.

 Not just her. she was accompanied by the young blond girl with yoyo, and serious-looking brunette lady with a sword.

 "Hey, it's Lin!"

 "I couldn't hear any news from Six Wings recently… and now we met here again."

 Yubin didn't say anything as closed his eyes. Jisoo crossed his arms and nodded. "Obviously, a mediocre detective like you couldn't even grasp our design."

 Amy stopped playing with yoyo and reported. "Commander, I gave it to her, just like you asked."

 '…Commander? Six Wings? I don't know what they are but clearly they're really strong, aren't they?'

 Aki glanced at Yubin.

 So they're called Six Wings. and he's their leader….

 Aki couldn't even put up a decent fight, since he's out of her level.

 "So you were sent by the president of Alphatrix?" Yubin turned his head and asked Lin who took a cigarette from her inner pocket.


 "My, you really don't have to hide it. why would you be in here in the first place? only the few are willing to hire you as an investigator. also this province is under the control of the Alphatrix who frequently engaged with the Magellan cultists. well, there is only one conclusion to be deduced, isn't it?"

 "Don't be a smartass, just believe whatever you want.

 Yubin said. "The data you received from Amy tells the lists and whereabouts of Magellan Society. president Jia can make the best use."


 Everything was stored in the small data device which was in Lin's pocket now. she nodded as she took out a lighter from the other pocket.

 Lin said. "It's very impressive of you to track down those pesky little runts. surely they were convincing enough, I give that. but I want to ask one thing…."

 "What is it?"

 "Haven't you sensed anything in the area where they fought?"

 They fell into silence in a short moment. Yubin shook his head. Lin then shrugged her shoulders and pulled down her hat. "So I was just hearing things? perhaps I should take a rest."

 Then she turned her body and left.

 When Aki tried to follow her, Yubin grabbed her arm.


 "Can't we talk a little bit?"

 He doesn't seem to have any ill intentions, so Aki looked at Yubin and nodded.

 "By any chance, do you know who is Replacer Bishop?"

 "…Replacer? Bishop? I never heard of it."

 Yubin tilted his head. 'So she hasn't met her yet?'

 "Maybe our boss could know… or the squad leader in the hospital… oops."

 Again, Aki said something unnecessary. but this time something good actually came from it.

 "…You mean, that Hilde, an S rank counter of Fenril, was defeated by someone?"

 "I-I mean…."

 All of sudden his face turned into very serious expression. Aki affirmed it.

 But the following his reaction, too, was strange. "How…? what could possibly defeat the last Valkyrie?"

 '…The last Valkyrie?'

 "Are you her acquaintance or something?"

 "No, I only knew her name."


 "It happened to be only a few months ago that I myself became a Counter. it's highly unlikely she's aware of me."

 "Though you were pretty good at fighting…."

 "Haha… I thank you for the praise that I don't deserve."

 Yubin gave her old USB.

 "As far as I know, the current president of the Coffin is a machine. so…."

 "How did you know that?"

 Without doubt the charisma of Hilde let everyone acknowledge the Coffin Company. and without her presence it's just nothing but a bunch of grunts and obviously most people don't even care, other than Hilder herself: they probably don't even remember Hana's name. the leadership of this tiny little Taskforce matters barely to anyone, of course.

 "I see… though I anticipated the Administrator will come soon, but clearly he arrived slower than I expected. it's been a month since the Terraside incident."

 "…The Administrator?"

 "Sorry, I was talking to myself. Aki, can you give this to… your boss? just tell him that Na Yubin sent it. and I not have such intention to interfere him and not the Antagonist… or the Adversarius."

 "Okay… I got it."

 Though she couldn't understand what does he even say but anyway she can do such a simple job.

 "And… Amy?"

 "Why, commander?"

 Amy was doing all kinds of crazy tricks with yoyos in the corner. when Yubin called her, put them back and responded.

 "Can you bring her to the city? I'm worried that she might be attacked by one of those pesky Corruptors."

 "Oh, I wonder what'd happened if only you two be alone…."

 Then Jisoo said. "It's nothing like that. you should take our job more seriously."

 "Oh, I don't think you yourself are serious enough. you're always looking at him and-"

 "Don't say useless things, just move!"

 Yubin said. "Anyway, Amy. I'll leave it to you."

 "Alright then!"

 Then Amy left with Aki.


 Yubin took a deep breath.

 "What do you have in your mind, Commander?"

 "I was thinking about Replacer Bishop."

 "Bishop, sir? Ah, yes. she has a connection with Magellan Society. but we couldn't see anyone here…."


 Yubin lit the energy blade - the Catastrophe Blade - from his hand and illuminated the underground area. in tranquility the fiery flame guided their direction.


 "We should leave too."

 "But isn't there something we need to do?"

 "No, that's enough for today. now we realized that our Administrator took over the situation… and destiny bound us together."

 But they couldn't notice it.

 From the shadow a pink-haired woman was looking down at them with beast-like eyes.

 Twenty minutes later.

 They left the terminal station. Yubin kept looking around, and Jisoo stuck close to him.

 When they arrived at the area where the battle happened, Yubin suddenly stopped and said without turning his back.

 "Now is the time to strike… or maybe you have no courage to face me?"

 With those intimating words he brushed off his blazing wings again, and he slowly turned his eyes to back.

 "…Replacer Bishop."

 From a surprisingly close distance someone clicked her tongue, and rapidly advanced.

 "How couldn't I sense him…?!" Jisoo gripped the handle of her sword, and tried to feel her enemy.

 But nothing was catched.

 And then, from every direction energy projectiles were launched. and then, the noises of footwork were spread all over the place.

 "So this is Replacer Bishop…? Commander!"

 However even though those energy blasts were landed on them, since they were powerful Counters so took almost no damages. assuming they were fired from all angles but it has same pattern and rhythm, Yubin figured out the enemy is just one.

 "It's okay, she can't harm us with puny energy gun like this."

 "Grrrr… but she's too fast!"

 'Even with improved perceptions of Counter, it's hard to know where even she is. not only that, Bishop uses a stealth device too. then….'

 Yubin ordered Jisoo. "Use the Seal of Lightning to yourself, now!" and immediately she struck the sword to the ground. with that, Yubin crossed both arms to each shoulder, made a focus as he closed his eyes and inhaled, then stretched his arms wide as he opened his eyes.

 "Lightning Earthquake!!!"

 His yell pierced the hollow sky, followed with crimson thunder from his back, beneath his feet the electronic shockwaves were released like tidal waves.

 But Jisoo could nullify its effect for herself since she used the Seal of Lightning.

 With that, the figure of shadow was paralyzed.


 Yubin threw the blade to her as he swung his arm from bottom left to top right, with fearsome speed it traveled so fast and was stuck into her body. as she couldn't use the personal stealth device anymore, her form was revealed: the masked, pink-haired girl.

 "Ku… Guwah, great, Yubin. never thought you have such tricks in your sleeves…."

 '…This is exactly Replacer Bishop and affirmatively so. but it doesn't feel like Shin Narae….'

 Something is not right. Yubin cautiously walked to Bishop as he still maintains the form of The Catastrophe Blade in her body by clenching his right hand.

 Then raised the left hand to his chest, casted another Catastrophe Blade as he swung his hand to the bottom left. he approached and asked.

 "For some reason, we couldn't find anything. why there are no Magellan cultists or Replacers? where is your friends? if you tell me honestly, I promise I will give painless death."

 Replacer Bishop answered with a sniggering face as if she was ignoring the pain.

 "Shall we make it more interesting, then? how about trading questions?"

 "Intriguing… What do you dare to inquire from me?"

 With the energy blade Yubin slightly pushed the cheek of Replacer Bishop knelt down, he said while the wings made fiery noises.

 "You proved your wits by immobilizing me yet how did you notice I was stalking you?"

 Yubin closed his eyes.

 then answered as he clenched his right hand harder. with that, the energy blade shoved up was thrust deeper, Bishop vomited blood.

 "…Perhaps it's only fair to know that before you die."

 Jisoo, came closer and standing next to Yubin, put her left hand on the waist and looked down at Bishop. Yubin said. "It's Power Word. the force which is neither divinity nor corruption but pure spell type. the witches of Strega are familiar with it."

 "…What is Strega?"

 "Come to think of it… in this world there were no Laura and Yuna. anyway, I dropped countless energy spheres on this entire area which are undetectable to you."

 '…Oh, so that's why he did that.'

 Jisoo, who's proficient in the eastern spells, could also see them. but Jisoo herself couldn't realize by what intention he casted all those Rune spells.

 and they were actually sending signals to Yubin.

 With a dark glance Yubin brought his energy blade next to her neck. "Your question is done. and now I will get mine."

 Then Bishop cackled. "Quite unusual tactics you got there. Ah, yes. of course you're intrigued about the cultists. incompetent dogs… they were removed, by me. everything in here."

 Upon listening this, Yubin thought about it. 'Obviously. they are nothing but the underdogs of the Replacers.' then he said. "why do you even need to remove them? was it the order from Dominic or Jaina?"

 With unexpected question, Bishop opened her eyes wide. "What? who… are you? how did you know that?" but she soon giggled as if mocking him. "Seemingly you know more than you should, and arrogantly showing that off but… unfortunately you're not even close."


 Something, dark and morbid, strange life forms resembled maggots were raised from the ground.

 "T-ThE fEaST oF KnoWLeDgE hAs bEen prEParEd-d-d…"

 "T-ThE bAnqEt haS S-StArt-t-tEd…"

 "What?!" Sharp voice of astonishment came out from Yubin's mouth. 'What is this?! what even is happening in here?!" hardly can be imagined what emotion was behind of his reaction. was it anger? or panic? perhaps both, he turned his eyes and head like crazy. "What's the meaning of this?! what, how?!"

 'I don't see what makes him so nervous like this… these puny Corruptors don't seem too much.' Ironically Jisoo who knows lesser could keep her cool, unlike Yubin who knows more than her.

 Yubin didn't tell anything about Dark Lord Gha'agsheblah to his companions. obviously, in Jisoo's eyes they're merely bizarre looking Corruptors, nothing more or less. but for Yubin this is literally out of comprehension.

 'What am I even looking at?'

 'The Replacers have nothing to do with Edel. no, more than that in the past few years, the Eckhart Society was only active in west europe!'

 'But what if Dominic of our universe forged an alliance with the Dark Lords and invaded us? that explains why the Administratorate fell so quickly. but… that theory has a lot of holes as well: since Operation Terraside we could have never encountered any forces of the Dark Lords!'

 'Not only that, even that logic can't tell why the Corruptors belong to Edel are taking orders from Replacer Bishop!'

 'Damn it… if any of those Dark Lords are actually working together with the Replacers, then I can't even presume their strength!'

 "Ahahahahaha!!!" Seeing Yubin's smug face was twisted beyond recognition, Replacer Bishop laughed like a devil beyond his reach. felt more anxiety about the distant future rather than the imminent danger, Yubin furiously shouted. "Explain, Bishop! What's this all about?!"

 Then he saw the chunk of abyss was growing under his enemy, her figure was swallowed into it as she taunted him. "So you knew only that much! good luck for figuring this out by yourself."

 With overwhelming anger Yubin yelled as he pushed his clenched right fist to air. "You think you can run away from me?!" but, Bishop already escpaed. immediately in his right hand the Catastrophe Blade was reappeared.


 Still couldn't shake off fears of uncertain future, Yubin said as he turned his eyes to the Corruptors.

 "Listen to me, Jisoo. though they're weak and pathetic, but the meaning behind them is far greater. but for now, we must do what we should. maybe the Administrator will give us the answer."

 Then, Yubin created two Catastrophe Blades for each hand, charged at the unthinkable chaos with wings burnt spread.




 Above the Brown Rock canyon. surrounded by white clouds ADS Coffin looked like a sky castle that ascended people lived in. though it was such a romantic impression yet they couldn't be soaked in such mood. as they regrouped they had to plan another assault.

 they stood around the round table. Olympian, Hansol, Dorothy, Skia, Liona, Karin, Eddie, Charlie, Jessica. upon it there was a map of the building inside.

 Though the tactic suggested by the Administrator was rather simple. if Olympian bombarded and lured the Corruptors inside then a division led by Karin infiltrates through the sewer. while Fenril squad's priority is liberating the test human subjects, Karin is to find and assassinate Wilbur.

 There are about four hundreds of Replacers or Corruptors waiting inside of the building. also estimated that there are five level 3 Corruptors. everything else is just level 1 or level 2 Corruptors which Hansol and Karin can easily deal with.

 as soon as Olympian finished the briefing, Hansol raised his hand.

 "What is it?"

 "What should we do if you failed to lure the level 3 Corruptors outside? it will be very difficult if we have to fight them in the structure since we also have to rescue the children as well."

 "It doesn't matter. if Wilbur doesn't send them forward then I will go inside and destroy them."


 Olympian said. "Jehuty Biotech is notorious for its immoral projects. yet not only human experiences but also they have created the synthetic, artificial Corruptors. though their technology is still immature, it can't be overlooked. we must end them, right here, right now."

 "Why don't we all just attack from outside? that's the safe way, isn't it?"

 "No. Wilbur might do something unexpected like taking children hostage or executing self-destruct sequence."

 Dorothy asked while she looked down the building as putting her hands in the pockets.

 "That's… really awful. is he really that low?"

 "Yes." Karin said as she grinded her teeth. "Your president knows him very well. through bribery and betrayal he went this far… if Wilbur is cornered, then probably he will do literally anything."

 "You have no objection on this battle plan, colonel?"

 "No… wait. isn't it optimal that ADS Coffin should be positioned behind the canyon and when Wilbur try to run away, snipe or pursue him with the battleship?"


 "There is a possibility that when you're attacking and we're inside, Wilbur might take a flight and escape."

 "I will chase him down with the ship if that happens. the reason why I need to take it with me is that I only have limited ammunition. when I spend all missiles and cannons then I need to quickly jump on it to replenish them."

 "…Then I have no objection."

 Though she herself couldn't realize but everyone can perceive her dark spirit: even if it costs her life she really wants to murder Wilbur. she didn't explain anything, but it was that much apparent.

 But still that concerned the Administrator. 'Even so I don't want to trade Karin for Wilbur. by any chance if it's going to be happened then it must be prevented….' anyhow, the Administrator assumed command and now leading the battle by himself.

 Forty minutes later.

 There the Olympian walking on the ground while controlling the ADS Coffin above. estimating that Karin and others probably went through the sewer and got inside the building, so the Administrator made Olympian shoot the cannon. with such destructive firepower and loud sound, it shot over and over. unlike a few hours before, now proper siege weapon was knocking its walls.

 Few moments later, the small Corruptors hidden under the ground arose and rushed on Olympian.

 '…Right, when we met Karin I never asked why was her in that situation, but probably they couldn't detect these things.'

 Unimpressed the Administrator made Olympian leap to ADS Coffin and from the sky it bombarded missiles, and then immediately reloaded and shot them all again. it was acting like a bomber in function, a few minutes later the level 1 Corruptors were wiped out.

 After that, from the building the winged Corruptors were deployed. probably they were sent to destroy the ship. recognizing this, the Administrator dropped Olympian to the ground and pulled back ADS Coffin, fired missiles into the air, then aimed other flyers and hit them with the cannon.

 With screams most of them fell, only four of them were left. then suddenly from the front door five level 3 Corruptors appeared. "Is this his best?" as he said, Olympian fired another missiles at other winged Corruptors, and turned Olympian to face them.

 "To win the war, one must have to understand what it is… and you thought you can win by throwing powerful monsters."

 Though he obviously knew that Wilbur wasn't listening, the Administrator talked to himself as he aimed the leg of the Corruptor. with blasting sound it was crippled. "If I were you, sending the level 3 Corruptors first and never just throw winged Corruptors in a column but divide them and surround the ship from the left and the right."

 The Administrator looked at the screen without any emotions, he turned Olympian and fired the cannon to the other Corruptor. though nobody listening, the Administrator kept lecturing his advices.

 "…But that was your decision, sending the flyers of high mobility first then the armored huge Corruptors. so one by one they were killed. I doubt that you'd have a chance even if you had level 4 Corruptors."

 Now all the level 3 Corruptors were mortally wounded. resting his chin on right hand, only with left hand he pulled back Olympian and aimed their eyes. unlike Titan of Future-At-War this Black Titan of the Administrator has extremely high mobility and speed so the level 3 Corruptors couldn't be matched with it.

 "In all universes Wilbur is a man of ambitions and not abilities." and then he kept attacking them mercilessly. already one of them was dead.

 At the same time, Karin succeeded to infiltrate through sewers. detecting the intruders, with warning sirens all doors were shutdown, but Liona used Toto to chew and chop them all.

 They found the room of experimental subjects, secured all children.

 "Who are you?"

 "Can we get out already? teachers said we should be in the room…."

 Dorothy said. "Ein, Zwei, Drei, Vier… what are they even doing with these toddlers?" and she looked at the children with long blonde hairs. "Also, what's with those names anyway? they treated these girls like livestocks…."

 Skia said as she was making '…….' signal with her headgear. "But still, we could save them." Dorothy flipped her hair. "Whatever. okay, Hansol. we found everyone, right?"

 While they were talking, those pure-hearted girls surrounded Liona and tried to touch Toto in playful attitude. though Liona worried and she tried to stop them, Toto's eyes were smiling, it didn't bite. after counted girls Liona said. "Wait… Hansol, didn't the president say there is someone called Lucid?"

 Hansol nodded. "Yes. I will find her, so you guys should leave here with kids."

 Dorothy said. "I can help you. since I'm faster than you so…" but Hansol declined. "No. you must go with them. this region, the Brown Rock canyon, is filled with unknown Corruptors. it'd be better for you to scout the area while Skia and Lion protect them."

 "But if you couldn't find that Lucid…."

 "I will do my best to search her."

 Then Dorothy didn't argue further. "Okay, I will leave this Wilbur guy to you as well." then Dorothy left first, the others made a line and followed her. Skia at the first, the kids were behind her, and Liona was at the last.

 Karin watched them while she made a determined yet grim face. Eddie said. "I have a daughter who just looks like them. this isn't a pleasant sight to me as well."

 Karin mumbled. "Before I came here, all I wanted was vengeance."

 "You didn't have to tell me. I knew it."

 "…Is that so?"

 "It's hard to see a person who makes such an honest face in these days."

 Jessica said. "I don't really know what exactly happened to you but you were like that whole time. I mean, we have seen a lot of people and it's so easy to read what other's thinking." then the clueless Charlie said. "What, really? she was?" Jessica poked him with her elbow. "Just shut it."

 "I had such determination…." Karin said with soft voice, "Yes, I thought it'd be better to die in here with taking that traitor with me. but at the same time, I wasn't really sure. should I really have to keep myself in those negative feelings… but whatever the cause was, I think I did something good."

 Hansol listened but didn't say anything. and to him, Karin turned her eyes. "Hansol, I think we should go now. if we find Lucid then just leave this place." and she looked at Eddie and Jessica and Charlie as well. "And you guys too… this is already enough. you can leave with him."

 Charlie said. "Wait, is that okay for you? didn't you say you really want to see the end of Wilbur guy?" Karin looked outside through the window. "I don't think we need to worry about that." there, Olympian controlled by the Administrator destroyed all level 3 Corruptors and was killing all the others as well.

 "I learned this today… the evil is destined to be punished, even if it's not carried by me."

 Was it fate or simple coincidence to meet the president of the Coffin Company here? but anyhow with his promise she felt everything was done. showing the eyes filled with grief she cocked her rifle.

 Charlie looked at her and thought. 'But what made her like that? was someone she loved dead?' not knowing he guessed correctly, Charlie scratched his head. 'I guess it doesn't matter. not that I know a woman's mind anyway….'

 A few minutes earlier.

 from the moment of Olympian's counterattack, Wilbur only made mistakes and failures. his nature couldn't admit the whole situation was his fault and blamed his underlings. looking at the level 3 Corruptors were unable to even put up the fight, so he called Shena.

 His advisor said. "Sir, we still have a few helicopters. you might want to evacuate."

 Wilbur screamed at him. "What the fuck are you even talking about, are you fucking stupid? or are you a spy of that Karin bitch?! haven't you seen that fucking robot is moving? you think I can get away from that Dimensional Ship with fucking slow-ass chopper?!"

 Though Wilbur made a lot of wrong judgement but he had a point for this one.

 His advisor couldn't say anything. then, a Replacer soldier rushed to come and reported. "Corner, sir. we have intruders in the test subjects room!"

 "What?! now? how?! wait, who came again?! hey! what the fuck are you even doing?! change the fucking screen!!!"

 On the monitor he could see the mercenaries and Karin herself. though Wilbur only recognized Karin but not others, which made him more confused.

 'What?! who the devil are those people? wait, that fucking shitty ass bitch Karin came with those retards then that shit fucking robot came from nowhere. no, the problem is, where the hell did that devil come from? the Administratorate? Delta Seven? Future-At-War? but no technology of humans can make such thing!'

 'Damn it, there is no fucking time for thinking about something like this!'

 Then Wilbur shouted at him. "You! Bring Lucid here, hurry!!!"

 "Sir!" Then as he turned back and ran.

 But Wilbur immediately called him again. "Hey! wait, wait! wait!! hey!!" as he returned, Wilbur said. "Not just for Lucid, bring the Corruptor Nightmare as well. no, no! bring them to the hangar below the rooftop!"

 It can be easily assumed by anyone that he can't even hold himself.

 'This might work, when Shena comes I can get the hell out of this hellhole. till then, if those useless Replacers buy time… ha, hahaha!!"

 Wilbur pressed a self-destruct switch. soon the all lights turned red and made warning sounds. his advisor asked. "What are you doing?" then Wilbur replied in angry voice. "Why the hell are you even asking? we're so fucking done! it's only ten minutes left! just get the fuck out of here and you might live!"

 Wilbur took a mike and said. "I've grown tired of you incapable idiots! that's right, I decided to blow up this fucking place! if you want to live then just get the fuck out of here! out!" when everyone was hurried to flee in panic, Wilbur rather made a satisfied face.

 'Good, Good… with this chaos Karin might take some time to get up here. …hmm?' While he was thinking that, he looked at the monitor and saw a Replacer ran away as he left the Corruptor Nightmare and Lucid in the hangar. '…No, I think any of that really doesn't matter. that stupid bitch is here now.' suddenly feeling easy, he calmly walked upstairs unlike a few minutes before.

 Not just for the Replacers but also Karin and others could hear that message. with great hurry, when they opened the doors Hansol stood front and took the bullets with his body, behind him Karin gave support with covering fires, Eddie and Charlie followed from behind and covered their back.

 Jessica was in between them, when Karin used all the ammos then gave her the gun she had, and reloading the gun she received, allowed Karin to keep shooting.

 'Such a teamwork… it has synergy which can be compared to our trained Delta Seven soldiers. hmm…?'

 Their formation was in the most effective and efficient, swiftly advanced as it necessarily has to be. then Karin saw a purple-haired girl on the monitor. seemingly she looked like that Lucid as Wilbur pointed a pistol to her head and shouted.

 "Look, Hansol, I believe that's Lucid!"

 Delivering the final blow to the last Corruptor Hansol turned his head. they were at the hangar. "Just like he said, she has violet hair. hmm, she's older than I thought…." and he swung his sword few times, then said to Karin. "Hurry, then. we're right there!"

 Karin gave Jessica her assault rifle and took a sniper rifle from her. "Lead the way!"

 The area was clear and leaving behind all the Corruptors they killed, they stepped up.

 And Wilbur now hearing their footsteps, panicked and screamed at Lucid. he looked at the Corruptor Nightmare that didn't change its form. he said to Lucid.

 "What?! what the hell is your problem? just make this shit transform into something!"

 "You'd know at this point. I… can't do it."

 "This fucking useless piece of shit!!!"

 Then Wilbur just pushed her, fell on the floor. but the Corruptor Nightmare was still unchanged as its cloudy undefined state floating.

 Wilbur's behavior looked random but there was a reason behind of it. from its foundation, Jehuty Biotech had one clear purpose which was to breed artificial synthetic Corruptors to be used as the weapon of the Replacers. this was one of them: it can read the mind of the Counters and imitate what they fear the most.

 Theoretically it might be one of the most powerful and versatile Corruptors but it had a lot of downsides. since its mechanism was overly complicated, and only reflecting the mind of the Counters. mainly for these flaws, though it can be easily controlled but practically useless.

 "Fucking shit… if I were a Counter then probably I could've killed them all with this Corruptor."

 He wasn't completely clueless, he knew himself more than anyone. but soon his horror turned into anger for some reason as he looked at Lucid - she looked him back in such pitiful eyes: as if mocking him filled with frenzy and despair. "What the hell are you even looking at?! no, I mean, I can't understand you at all!"

 Then Wilbur, again, grabbed her collar and put the gun on her forehead. "What the fuck is wrong with you anyway? do you want me dead?! maybe that's what it is, isn't it? I mean, we tortured and tormented you whole time but you have literally nothing to fear?! like, do something with this thing!!!" though Wilbur was the one threatening Lucid but he was more desperate and cornered, which was the scene of irony.

 That's right. Wilbur didn't have any feelings or rather opinions about Lucid but since she was a Counter who could manipulate the Corruptor Nightmare, he tried to force her by any means.

 "…There is no terror upon something what humans took understanding. for me or you, this child is…."

 "No, I don't fucking care about your bullshit stories! wait… hey, they're fucking coming!!!"

 As Lucid was calmly talking about her philosophical thoughts, that also triggered Wilbur and he fired his pistol everywhere as though showing his insecurity. then, as Hansol and Karin coming closer the Corruptor Nightmare shivered. immediately Hansol broke through the door.

 "There you are! your evil deeds will end here, Wilbur Whateley!" Like the knights of old tales he said as he gripped his sword firmly.

 Behind him Karin and others followed. the sight of them terrified Wilbur as his face became really pale, he squeezed Lucid's neck and put the gun to her head. "T-They're here! here, here! Die, y-you! if you come any closer than I will fucking kill her! hear me?! I saw you bastards tried to rescue those children! get it?! she's hostage to you dumbasses as well! don't you come fucking near me! I will kill her!"

 Yapping like crazy Wilbur was but Lucid saw the Corruptor Nightmare was responding and finally changing its form. Hansol made disgusted face as he looked at Wilbur.

 The tension was increased further and Wilbur couldn't take it anymore and he shouted like a maddened beast. "Get the fuck out here! get out! I said get the fuck out! you don't hear me?! does this look like a fucking joke?!"

 Then he pulled the trigger… which led to nothing ultimately. only clicking noises happened.

 Now Wilbur finally realized, that, he wasted bullets a few minutes before. "Ah…."

 It's over.

 In his mind there was nothing left.

 At that moment, immediately Karin aimed and fired at Wilbur's wrist. but the lady luck is always unfair - it turned out he didn't even hurt and only the pistol was bounced off. Karin growled. "…The worst of us always has the best luck." Karin reloaded her rifle as she was coming closer to Wilbur. "But it's all over for you now, Wilbur. I think you spent all your luck with that."

 But then, Hansol and Lucid said at the same time. ""Stop!""

 Karin immediately paused and asked. "…What? what is wrong? …wait… what is that?"

 The Corruptor Nightmare. now it was switching its body structure to something else from its melted goo of image. Hansol seemingly felt something dangerous from it. Lucid said. "This child is called Nightmare. as Corruptor it has an ability that reflect the trauma of the Counters and imitating them by itself!"

 The dumb-founded face of Wilbur was turned into an arrogant laugh again. "Ah, ahahahahah! what a fucking stupid cowards! all of you are just done!"

 To his face Karin shot again but he blocked it with Lucid's bag, and as though talking to himself he said loudly. "Of course all of you are Counters and obviously having something to fear! how couldn't I know that?! yeah, especially you, Delta Seven bitch! you barely saved yourself when Maria and Jake were fucking dead!!"

 "You… disgusting trash!" Though infuriated Karin tried to aim her rifle at him again but Wilbur hid behind Lucid. overwhelmed by emotions Karin realized she couldn't keep her composure and hesitated. if by mistake she took Lucid down with her gun then she will definitely regret it.

 "How curious! let me show you what you're so afraid of, hmm? Wah-hahahahah!!!"

 As if dancing Wilbur twisted his whole body in joy while he was using Lucid as meat shield, Hansol felt no fury or literally anything but stupidity on him. he focused on that unknown enemy instead which was turning into a form of woman. and then….


 Laying his eyes on it, Hansol felt his heart was almost stopped. the monster he couldn't do anything against it, and, could be nearly killed by it. the tip of blade was shaking.

 Certainly Karin was confused because she couldn't grasp the situation. The Corruptor looked in Hansol's mind and not Karin's mind but since Wilbur taunted her as he said this Corruptor's imitating the fear of Karin so she could not guess first in that context. after looking at Hansol's face she finally realized.

 'I see…! so this is not mine, but Hansol's fear. of course, with such skills he probably had encountered many powerful Corruptors.'

 But Wilbur still assumed that was something coming from Karin, so he mocked her more. "What's this, Karin? so this old bitch is your trauma then? what a fucking stupid idiot… rather your stupid fucking face scares me more, dumbass. anyway, I don't want to be involved with you smelly rats so this is goodbye!" he stepped backward as he said that, then hurried to the elevator and went to the rooftop.

 Again, this time, Karin couldn't hit Wilbur and the bullet was blocked the door of the elevator. 'I can't believe this….' clearly it wasn't the best of her since Karin couldn't calm herself down inside. unlike other people, her anger never has helped her in the crucial moments like this, only made it worse.

 Hansol faced the Corruptor Nightmare which took the form of Sollicitatio by himself. identical black and red crosses were discharged from its body and rotating. Lucid said. "Be careful! I don't know what exactly you're fearing but the Corruptor Nightmare has equal power to level 3 Corruptors!"

 Took her advice, Hansol looked at the Corruptor. 'Sollicitatio was the level 5 Corruptor. then this thing is weaker than her even though using same attacks?'

 Soon the black cross was flying to Hansol, and he parried it off. 'It seems so. at that time it was much harder to block… also much faster than this.' and while he cautiously approached the Corruptor Nightmare, felt something ominous.

 'She said this Corruptor can read the mind of Counter and imitate his trauma. then….'

 Kept throwing the crosses, when they were deflected, Corruptor Nightmare pointed at them then at Hansol to attack it again. as though fighting against the darkness itself, Hansol could block them all yet he couldn't go offensive. then he met its eyes, with vicious smile it raised both hands.

 Then, simple yet irregular patterns of maneuvers were suddenly changed as they were encircled and rotating around Hansol. this is exactly same technique what Sollicitatio used.

 'I thought so…!'

 This was literally checkmate to him, and that happened again. all of a sudden Hansol was cornered in difficulty like this, and definitely wasn't prepared for this. soon, the black cross in front of him flew toward him. Hansol deflected it with his left hand pushing the side of blade. but then, from the back and the side, as if bullying him the crosses attacked from all directions.

 'Nightmare to Counters…. so that's why they named with it.'

 While Hansol was busy dealing with this, the Corruptor made evil grin as if it was the real Sollicitatio. and that was actually identical to his memories. soon, another black cross rushed to his face. but this time it was different. when Hansol tried to parry it, from behind the other cross slashed his back.


 Feeling sharp pain, Hansol could know he's in the very inferior position. of course he expected this when he saw the face of Sollicitatio, though….

 Jessica said. "W-What the hell is even this Corruptor? so Hansol has been fighting with monsters like this?" she vaguely understood what Lucid said and realizing that Hansol could have survived from something like this made her surprised.

 Charlie said. "I mean… even if I block them with shield, it can still hit me from behind!"


 But Eddie silently observed the enemy. something was very peculiar about this Coffin Company.

 'Yang Hansol… is he Japanese? or Chinese? no, no. that name belongs to Korean style. then probably their company is located near Ground One. but how? this Taskforce has the machine boss of tremendous power and heavily trained swordsman… why people haven't talked about them that much?'

 'If they could handle or deal with powerful Corruptors like this… and although this Corruptor is explained to mimic what the Counter fears the most but… meaning he had fought with something like this countless times. how come couldn't we hear of him before?'

 Karin stepped forward and aimed at the Corruptor Nightmare. 'Hansol is at danger, and if we don't chase down Wilbur fast… I need to do something!' and this time, her bullet hit the eye of foe.

 "This is my chance…!" Hansol thought Karin's attack blinded her, and tried to jump and get out.

 But, just like before, the black crosses were launched at the angle as he ascended. and again, Hansol took the same attack and his whole body was dropped. "Guugh… grrrgh…." his left knee on floor, tried to stand up with the sword pushing against ground like a cane. from audacity, he threw his cloudy eyeglasses to the side and stared at the image of Sollicitatio with immense hostility.

 "Hansol, are you okay?!" Karin urgently asked, but Hansol said nothing. no, couldn't say anything.

 'Wait… but if this works…!'

 Then suddenly like a flash the idea went through his insight. and, he said to Karin. "Karin, beware the crosses that she might throw at you!" Karin said. "But you're…!"

 Hansol just looked at her and smiled. and then he made dusts with his feet.

 As Eddie saw that he thought. 'Is he trying to hide in that? but….' and just like he imagined, Corruptor Nightmare made vile smile then snapped her finger. soon the black crosses flew into the middle.

 Then suddenly, with great noise something was broken. when it was revealed there was a giant hole.


 "He's… no way!"


 Since the Corruptor Nightmare couldn't understand what's going on she just stared it. and, from below….

 As the floor was breaking,

 "Ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Shoryuken!!!!!!!"

 As his sword gripped by right hand vertically arises, Hansol flew upward as he was showing back of his head. the image of Sollicitatio was sliced in half, and like a Vanshee it screached and went to oblivion.


 Actually, Hansol knew that if he tried to hide in dust then it would throw the crosses in confusing maneuver. and since he expected so, he punched the floor and went down, and from there he leaped up.

 'Although I won but this was nothing but a cheap trick… not my true strength. I cannot defeat real Sollicitatio with this.'

 He said this to himself inside, Hansol knelt like Japanese Samurai and put his sword at waist like sheathing it. definitely not looked like a knight but, anyhow, Charlie and Jessica clapped.

 "That was just amazing!"

 "You fought well more than any Counter I have ever seen!"

 Hansol let out a sigh and turned his head, made dry laugh.

 "It was nothing, haha…."

 Eddie said as he smiled. "Well, if that was nothing then we're literally nobody, isn't it? don't be too humble." though Hansol nodded but for himself it was rather honest than humble: he couldn't be satisfied for his current being.

 'if I were fighting with Sollicitatio then that maneuver couldn't work on that monster. I'm still… not enough.'

 While he was thinking that, Karin cleaned his eyeglasses with her shirt and gave it back to Hansol. "Here, you really are skilled, aren't you? I never have seen this much strong Counter except Jake."

 "No, I still do think I lack what I must have to become." took it from her, Hansol said, "…I forgot about my glasses. thank you."

 Lucid approched him and said. "I-I… heard it. so, Ein and Zwei, and others are…?"

 As it was his habit, Hansol crossed his arms and answered. "We already took them out from this building. and I'm here to rescue a girl called Lucid… you're her, right?"

 Lucid said as she hopped little like a bunny. "Yes, that's me! I'm Lucid. but… we have only few minutes before this facility explodes…."

 While they were talking to each other, Karin furiously kicked the elevator door. Hansol asked. "What happened?" Karin answered. "This elevator… doesn't work! that Wilbur is still up there…!"

 Then Lucid hurried to come. "Only those who belong to Jehuty Biotech can access them. let me help you." and she pushed a button and opened its door.

 "Ah… it's opened. thank you." Karin said. when everyone got into the elevator, Karin said to Lucid.

 "Go up." she said in cold voice. her mind was filled with pure hatred against Wilbur. but soon she realized it didn't feel right, so changed her tone. "I mean… we need to chase Wilbur as soon as possible. you don't need to worry about it too much, since we have the battle ship and machine friend outside too."

 Lucid said in a pleasant voice without minding it too much. "Okay, be careful."

 In a few seconds of silence, Charlie glanced at Lucid. 'Though she said we can leave when I find this girl but… I guess I should see the end of it. Ed and Jess seem to think so as well.'

 At the rooftop, finally they could see Wilbur there. as he saw Lucid next to Karin, Wilbur twisted his face and said. "Lucid, this broken useless garbage… you dare to side with Karin? worthless traitor… don't you remember that we gave you everything and place to live?!" Lucid only dropped her head and said nothing.

 Seeing his face Karin felt urge to kill again, pulled a handgun and pointed at him. "Traitor? her? you're the one who should be condemned. and your time is over." and as soon as her words were finished she pulled the trigger without hesitation. but….

 "Oh. Sadly, I cannot allow that."

 But her bullet was catched by the fingers of pink-haired woman with a violin.

 "Hmhmhm… Huhaha, hahahaha! You see, Karin? that's all you can do, pathetic fool!"

 "You do realize you'd be dead if I didn't come to help, right? can you please be quiet?"

 Wilbur silenced with a frustrated face.

 "Anyway… I will take Mr. Conner here, since he's part of our secret plan anyway. it's annoying but what can I do? sorry, I guess what it's over is your time, lady."

 Shena began to play her violin. Wilbur pulled out a strange helmet from nowhere and wore it, and everyone else just cluelessly looked at her: since they hadn't encountered with Elysium Philharmonic they had no idea what she was even doing; this dangerous move is literally damaging and destroying the human mind.


 Fortunately, Hansol and others will never know. because from their rear giant missile flew toward the hellicopter behind Wilbur, shattered it into pieces.

 "W-What?! wait, what the hell?! why is that thing still alive?!"

 Immediately following that, the other missiles were locked on to Shena and launched. this interrupted her performance as much as her annoyance, she had to pick up Wilbur and levitate.

 Olympian landed in front of Hansol.

 "That fucking piece of scrap metal! seriously, fuck you! what have I ever done to you?! fuck you!!!"

 Wilbur took off his helmet and shouted at it. as Shena looked at the destroyed aircraft she sighed.

 "Is it Titan of the old Administratorate? it looks… troublesome even for me. what shall we do?"

 Wilbur looked at Shena and said in somewhat respectful tone. "You can't fight like this, aren't you? I think we should run." but at the same time the Administrator spoke through Olympian. "Die, Wilbur." then the homing missiles from its back were launched.


 Gazed at them Shena in intriguing eyes then she whistled. then the missiles were spread at random directions and exploded in the air.

 "…Jammer? when did Elysium Philharmonic learn something like that?"

 "Oh? how do you know that? Wilbur, did you foolishly pick on something out of your size again?"

 "I-I don't know…."

 Silently, Shena and Olympian stared at each other. and then as ADS Coffin was coming this way, Shena felt a little bit amused.

 "Quite lucky for you to leave alive even though knowing who we are. Machines… I say, humans improved vastly from that time. we will meet again, my robot friend."

 From her feet pinkish energy spheres were beginning to charge. they distorted the surrounding air as it made threatening noises. the full power of level 4 Corruptor isn't something to be overlooked. but….

 The Administrator could predict just by looking at her eyes.

 Shena kicked the energy spheres. from her right foot to ADS Coffin, from her left foot to Karin and Hansol. she touched her eyebrow with stretched index and middle fingers then moved them away as she was bidding farewell, Shena withdrew with Wilbur. The Administrator made the ship descend to evade the projectile.

 But for the incoming other projectile.

 "T-This is…!"

 At first, Hansol tried to block it with his sword but realizing it's more than he could handle, he dodgged. obviously the energy sphere hit the rooftop and pierced through the whole building and landed to the ground: with that the top floor was also crumbled.

 "A-Aaaaaaaaahh!!" Karin screamed as she fell.

 Upon that moment there are two decisions what the Administrator can make. either chasing Shena or saving Karin and others. though Olympian can fly but pursuing Shena doesn't guarantee to kill her right now. but even then….

 If he tried to kill Wilbur then he probably can do so very easily.

 But there was nothing to hesitate from the very beginning. the Administrator came here only to save Karin, he didn't care about Wilbur at all. soon, went down faster than anyone falling to ground, with extended cannon and colossal body of machine he caught everyone, and flew to ADS Coffin.

 One minute later.

 In the bridge of the ship, they could see the sunset and multiple explosions from the Jehuty Biotech facility next to the Brown Rock canyon, completely collapsed.

 Charlie whistled. "That rocks, like a movie. you're really something, aren't you mister president?" Olympian said. "It's nothing."

 Jessica said as she was touching and curling her hair. "But… we couldn't finish that Dean Conner or Wilbur, whatever that guy was." Eddie said as he turned his eyes. "Indeed. although we did our best…."

 "But… it's not like it was pointless. you saved the helpless kids, don't you remember?" Dorothy said to disappointed adults.

 "Yes. for that, I have deep gratitude for all of you." Lucid said as she stepped forward. somewhat surprised Dorothy asked. "Wait, you're that Lucid?"

 "I am…."

 "So you're older than me. I thought there were only children like them."

 Is that so, said by Lucid as she turned her eyes to Karin. she stared at Olympian as if she was having something to say. since the Administrator was not actually there but only operated this machine, he could only realized that now.

 "What is it, colonel?"

 Karin sighed.

 "Wilbur is gone. you promised me, remember? no matter what happened you'd kill him."

 "I had to save everyone, including you."

 "I know that. it's just…."

 She was considerate individual so couldn't ask why didn't he chase Wilbur instead of rescuing everyone. as though a human being turned his body, Olympian moved itself and mumbled.

 "…Probably Jake would want this too."


 "Though I have never met him before but I do feel like I made correct choice he'd wish. not punishing Wilbur for his betrayal but saving Karin from utmost danger… I can feel it."

 His words. that's what she wanted to hear from others since she couldn't tell herself - unrealized yet from the part of her actually wanted someone forgiving her failure. she smiled softly and looked at the sunset through window.


 As she made up her mind, Karin said to Eddie. "I'll send you the bonus pay I mentioned. though the mission wasn't successful but we could make a great friend today."

 Charlie smiled as it was unexpected. "Really? I mean… you're so generous, colonel. usually they don't swing things like this." same to Jessica as well. "I thought we messed it up and it's just over." also Eddie said. "I'm sorry that we were not that much helpful for you. but… I thank you for making me a great father who can give a new present to his family."

 Karin thought. 'Though Jake hated mercenaries so much… I don't think it wasn't so bad to work with them, after all.' then Olymian said.

 "Why don't you have dinner with us?"

 "My, couldn't really expect you'd make such proposal."

 The Administrator replied. "…I didn't mean whatever you're thinking." Karin cackled. "Just kidding. as I thought, machine can't understand joke, isn't it? but I say, maybe next time. I've to return since it took longer than I thought."

 Then Karin called a ship. a few minutes later UDS New Ohio arrived. both ships opened their hatches and were moving parallel. to bid her farewell everyone was gathered.

 Karin, since she was a Counter, hopped and got into UDS New Ohio. as she was leaving with the ship, the children waved their hands as they said. "Bye-bye, Karin!" to them Karin gave a soft, comforting smile as she too waved her hand. "You too, take care!"

 Everyone, Hansol who crossed his arms, Charlie who also crossed his arms as he grinned, Jessica who leaned her elbow to the wall, Skia and Liona who silently looked at her, Lucid who was looking after the kids, Eddie who made a serious face as stood next to the president, and even the Administrator who wasn't actually there… everyone could know.

 Something harassed Karin's mind was now gone, her heart was released from it.

 Closing its door, UDS New Ohio slowly departed then disappeared beyond the horizon of sunset.

 Eddie asked to Olympian watching the ship gone.

 "So that was serious offer, wasn't it?"

 "Indeed. you can bring your family to our company in Korea, which would be much safer than here. I want to hire you until Terraside Incident is over."

 "Ha, haha… but you saw we're just mediocre mercs. perhaps you really ran out of options."

 Olympian said motionlessly, not moving its lens.

 "Are you going to decline?"

 "Not at all. if we can team up with competent Counter and machine like you then why would we?"

 "You're leaving your home. I expected you might not like that."

 "It's not like I'd live in there forever, am I? until the Replacers are all gone, I will do my best."

 Then Olympian moved its body toward Eddie.

 "Good. Eddie, Charlie, Jessica. welcome aboard."

 The two who looked at sunset in relieved mood were surprised when Olympian said their names.

 "What? what was that, Eddie?"

 "Oh, we're joining to this Coffin Company then?"

 Eddie nodded. "We're with them until this Terraside incident is over. you have no objection, right?" then Charlie laughed. "No, of course not! it felt so dramatic when the president saved my life at there!" Jessica said in somewhat indifferent tone. "Well, if he don't mind us then…."

 "You don't like it?"

 "No, I didn't say that. I just can't believe why does he even need us."

 "Yeah, that's what I thought."

 Without words the Administrator looked at them, then turned its lense to Hansol who's using his phone.

 "You have done well, Hansol."

 "Uh, yeah? no, it was just my job anyway."

 Hansol immediately stopped when Olympian talked to him and turned his head to it.

 "Who did you call?"

 "Aki. I asked how my master was doing."


 "Also, she said that I need to inform you…."

 The following words were unexpected and making Administrator astonished as he who were sitting and drinking coffee.

 "-Na Yubin."


 "Aki said she met a man who's called Na Yubin. he was calling you as the Administrator… and gave some sort of memory device."

 Right, he's here too. in many universes the Administrator could have seen his counterparts. then again he couldn't hear Yubin's name when he asked everything to Hilde. like, where was Yubin when Sooyeon died, or was Yubin also one of her disciples… come to think of it - it'd be only natural for Hilde to mention his name if she was aware of Yubin.

 Then this Yubin is here, hoping to get something from this encounter.

 '…Even on this universe, is he cooperating with the Replacers? or….'

 But nothing he can presume for now. Olympian said to Hansol.

 "I see, I will look into this matter when we return to the company."

 The Administrator thought about something else in relaxed mood: as Eddie and others will move in, first they need to visit the their office to pick things up; and since it'll be rather busy so maybe they should have dinner in the ship. thinking something like that, Olympian came inside the ship with everyone.

 ADS Coffin closed the door and traveled through the clouds shined by sunset radiant in calm and peaceful mood.

 A few hours later.

 Vice president Hana received the memory device from Aki and placed it on the desk of the president's room. as the giant machine Olympian walked in he could see it.

 There was also something else that he heard from Aki through Hansol: Yubin isn't Antagonist but so-called Adversarius. and he's not against the Administrator.

 'Perhaps so, and with that I might get the powerful ally.'

 But whatever it is, still he had to think after listened to this. the Administrator connected it to the computer. 'I wonder….'

 After a few seconds the Administrator could see there is only one movie file.

 But why?

 Feeling rather strange and ominous, the Administrator played it.

 On the screen it shows the dark and cryptic scene.

 It is the headquarter of the Administratorate established by the mother computer in sequence of back-up plans in case of the assigned Administrator left this universe. though this place itself was nothing but a ruin when he checked it but this proves the restoration plan was executed correctly at some point.

 Computers and machines making beeping noises everywhere in that dark large room, could see sentry bots and cleaning machines just like the room where the Administrator currently is.

 Then a minute later, someone appeared.


 Sitting on a chair and looked at the screen through Olympian's lens, the Administrator witnessed, Something totally unexpected.

 It's not Yubin. it wasn't anything he anticipated.

 And that figure suddenly destroyed all robots and also destroyed the mother computer.

 "W-Wait… Is this person…?"

 Out of surprise he stood up and looked at the monitor. and then the figure in the screen looked back, then with a busting noise the video ended.


 This is… the crucial information that Yubin sent to whom he thought as the Administrator.

 'Na Yubin said, he is not the Adversarius, not my foe. Obviously he wanted to tell this individual is my enemy, the cause of the fall of the Administratorate.

 The Administrator sat on the chair and with right hand he covered his mouth, pondered. with left hand he moved Olympian and rewound the video and looked the face of that person again. 'I can't believe my own eyes. this is that person… but why? from what context, what destiny led this person to become my enemy?'

 But no answer was given to the Administrator at the moment. Olympian ejected the device and put it on the desk. Outside the window there was the moon brimming with dim colors of dreamy light yellow, celestial sky of cobalt blue of deep visage among it was. The serene silence subdued horror of Synthetic Corruption Wave released from the lost ships.