일단 띵곡 듣고가고

 "The Australian tanks have not had depleted uranium fitted to them in the past. Instead, during rebuild they will be fitted with an advanced non-DU armour.

"A recent visit to the US by an Australian Defence Science and Technology Organisation [DSTO] scientist confirmed that the armour we are purchasing provides advanced protection capabilities that is broadly comparable to other armour types, and that it meets our capability requirements.;query=Id%3A%22media%2Fpressrel%2F3XVB6%22;src1=sm1

The M1A1 AIM vehicle that Australia will procure will not be equipped with either Depleted Uranium armour or munitions. The armour on offer is of an advanced composite design, which is in accord with our capability requirements.


The M1A1 AIM tank was selected for the following reasons: The M1A1 AIM has the best overall survivability of the options considered. It offers battlefield proven protection for its crews.

 "The armour we are getting is very close to depleted uranium armour. In some aspects it is better against some type of threats but I am unable to discuss that in this forum."

Colonel Hayward said armour technology remained a sensitive and classified area.

He said an Australian defence scientist who visited the US recently had confirmed that what Australia was getting offered a high level of protection.

 In addition, AIM serves as the venue to  apply modifications and upgrades to the tank, including embedded diagnostics. AIM also serves as a means to combat electronic obsolescence by introducing improved linereplaceable units for those that face technical obsolescence. The AIM process also  incorporates redesigned hull and turret network boxes.

호주 에이브에 적용된 수출형 장갑재는 DU 장갑재와 거의 동일한 성능을 발휘함