As far as the servant and Hu Tao are concerned, it might be due to the limitations of their passive talents that they circumvent Bennett's buffing to a certain degree. In another sense, rather than being influenced by Bennett, it could be said that the servant's base stats are already so high that they don't need Bennett's enhancement. The planning for a pure fire element overload build is predicated on the servant's excellent base stats, and surpassing the fire element threshold is a certainty.
Heavy attacks or skills (this is uncertain) can transform the weapon into a scythe.Their signature weapon is very specialized, as is the benefit from the exclusive artifact set which, under normal circumstances, adds to the burst damage hunter's attribute bonus. Currently, their skill set and talents, like Hu Tao, are based entirely on their own stats. No elemental requirement is needed as they are self-sufficient.
Their health bar has a unique mechanism that might make them the first character to have a mysterious health bar mechanic, where being downed does not result in death but adds negative buffs, and healing back to the normal threshold provides positive buffs (this point is speculative and may change). Like the dragon, they have solo capabilities with self-sustained output.

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