문자언어 채널

영어 교재에 대문자를 쓰는 경우가 참 많이도 적혀 있네...

1.문장 맨 앞

2.대명사 'I'

3.단어 첫 글자로 구성된 약어 및 두문자어


-Names of deities

-Names of people and their titles

-Names of specific groups of people

-Names of specific places on a map

-Names of specific geographic areas

-Names of days, months, and special days

-Names of specific structures such as buildings, bridges, dams, monuments

-Names of specific organizations

-Names of school subjects with course numbers

-First, last, and all important words in the titles of books, magazines, newspapers, plays, films, stories, songs, paintings, statues, television programs

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