밑의 다우존스기사는 2019년 5월 현재 보유자산이 1억달러가 넘는 글자그대로 억만장자= billonares가 가장 많이 거주하는 곳을 통계 낸 자료인데 New York이 105명으로 1등이란 팩트:)

Billionaires feel at home in the Big Apple. (억만장자들은 빅애플(New York City의 애칭)을 집으로 생각한다) 

아시아에서는 홍콩 도쿄 베이징 싱가폴 선전이 있지만, 한국은 한 곳도 없다는 팩트:) 

전세계적으로 억만장자가 차츰 늘어나는 추세지만 (2018년 말 이후 증가추세는 주춤하지만 곧 다시 증가), 

한국의 경우는 향후 자산가치의 하락으로 억만장자가 늘어날 가능성은 아시아에서 가장 낮은 편이란 팩트:) 

즉 한국경제는 희망이 경제펀더멘털의 붕괴가 급속히 진행되는 것처럼, 인구대비 부자증가는 전무할 거란 팩트:) 

향후 싱가폴의 억만장자증가가 (현재 전세계 8위, 하지만 인구 5백6십만대비 억만장자 비율은 전세계 3위) 아시아에서는 두드러 질것으로 예상된다는 팩트:) 

홍어들은 시간이 갈수록 빈곤속에 살려고 죄도 없는 청렴결백한 박근혜는 조작탄핵하고, 부정부패 문재인의 쿠테타를 촛불로 지지해서 점점 더 빈곤해져가는 삶을 선택한 거냐??:) 너희 그거 확실한 정신병이란 팩트:)


This American city has more billionaires than any other city in the world

Published: May 10, 2019 10:26 a.m. ET


Billionaires feel at home in the Big Apple.

New York has the largest billionaire population globally (105 individuals), followed by Hong Kong (87), San Francisco (75), Moscow (70), London (65) and Beijing (55). To put that in context, San Francisco has over 860,000 residents. New York has over 8.6 million.

That’s according to data released Thursday by global wealth consultancy Wealth-X. San Francisco has more billionaires per inhabitant in the world — with one billionaire for approximately every 11,600 residents — followed by New York, Dubai and Hong Kong.

Nearly all of the top 15 countries by billionaire population saw a decline — except the U.S. and three European countries: the U.K., Russia, and France.

Facebook CEO FB, -1.91% Mark Zuckerberg, Twitter CEO TWTR, -2.30% and other Silicon Valley titans are among the very few billionaires who are still in their 30s. Over half of all billionaires are between 50 and 70 years of age, and only a 10th of them are below 50.

The wealth of the world’s richest people declined by 7% to $8.56 trillion in 2018, Wealth-X said, citing global trade tensions, stock-market volatility a slowdown in economic growth. The number of billionaires fell 5.4% to 2,604, the second annual fall since the financial crash a decade ago.

The Americas fared the best of the three main regions, recording a slight rise in the number of billionaires of 0.9% to 892, but their wealth fell by 5.8% to $3.54 trillion. It was helped by a stronger U.S. dollar, interest rate hikes by the U.S. Federal Reserve and President Trump’s tax reform.

Last year’s billionaire performance followed a year of ‘unprecedented’ wealth creation in 2017, when the global billionaire population surged to an all-time high, Wealth-X said.

Last year’s tepid performance followed a year of “unprecedented” wealth creation in 2017, when the global billionaire population surged to an all-time high, Wealth-X said. Billionaire wealth remains well above the levels of two years ago.” But there was a loss of momentum in the second half of 2018.

Wealth-X uses a proprietary database. It provides insights into their financial assets, career history, known associates, family background, education, philanthropic endeavors, hobbies, real-estate holdings and business dealings. Their assets include both privately and publicly held businesses.

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Billionaires in the Asia-Pacific region saw their wealth fall by 8.7% on the year to $2.23 trillion and their numbers fall by 13.4% to 707. While Asia’s gross domestic product grew by more than 8% in 2018, its stock markets plunged by more than 11% last year.

The wealth of billionaires fell by 7.1% to $3 trillion in Europe, the Middle East and Africa; their number fell 4.6% to 1,005. Nearly all of the top 15 countries by billionaire population saw a decline — except the U.S. and three European countries: the U.K., Russia, and France.