1.Dress Fox T-shirt is on sale now, only 139. A collection of hoodies is coming soon

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Taobao  link:https ://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1-cs.w4004-24424939307.2.3a8918eeVnaFzn&id=681712219303

2. If you like cardigans, please recommend them on my wechat. We are preparing to produce new cardigans or knitwear. I want to make it clear that if you have purchased our products, you will find that our quality and quality are almost the same as other stores, and our service and discounts are the best. For example: the quality of this cardigan. Now the channel discount is 390. Please trust me. thank you

Yupoo link : https://topkitsune.x.yupoo.com/albums/103749725?uid=1&isSubCate=false&referrercate=3886647

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