
미 중부시간 9시 동부시간 10시로 확정됨 무무감 버그랑 개플 버그 고쳐질 예정

사죄의 의미로 두광이벤트 3일 연장하고 + 파스기간에 가증권 2배도 추가함


Hello hello!The Hotfix is confirmed for 9 am Central / 10 am Eastern tomorrow morning. This addresses the Gatling weapon, and the Weight Reduction issues.

We will also be extending this weekend's Treasure Hunter Event three more days, so it will now end at 12 pm ET Thursday (Feb 2).

Additionally, during the first week of Fasnacht in February we are going to add a Double Scrip Event.

SO, he's a recap:
Hotfix: Tomorrow, January 27: 9CT/10ET
Treasure Hunter: January 26 - February 2
Fasnacht: February 14- 28th
Double Scrip Addition to Fasnacht: February 16 - 20