기본제공 6개 + 2.4버전 주전자 구매 20개 + 2.6버전 필드 수집 24개 + 2.6버전 주전자 구매 ?? = 60개 이상

*나는 60개까진 줄 알았는데 더 있다고 함

현 버전에는 몬드(드래곤스파인 제외), 리월, 이나즈마 브금까지 존재

60개 모으면 천지만물 업적 '과거재현' 획득가능

<결정번호 및 곡 이름>

1. Dawn Winery theme

2. A Sweet Smile

3. Lone Sojourner

4. A Day in Mondstadt

5. The Edge of the Prairie

6. A Tale of Two Dragons

7. Happy Journey

8. Legend of the Wind

9. Bustling Afternoon in Mondstadt

10. Dusk in Mondstadt

11. Mondstadt starlit

12. Moonlight in Mondstadt

13. Another Day in Mondstadt

14. Windborne Hymn

15. Knights of Favonius

16. Angel's Share

17. A Happy Day

18. Tender Strength

19. Before Dawn, at the Winery

20. Whispering Plain

21. A New Day with Hope

23. Journey of Hope

24. Sun Rises in Liyue

25. Good night, Liyue

26. Call it a Day in Liyue

29. Winding River

30. Mlid Waves

31. Rhythm Amidst the Reeds

33. Flow of mildness

35. Legends Swept Away

36. Plan of Nostalgia

37. Rhythms from the Conch

40. Above the Sea of Clouds

41. Rays of Sunlight

45. The Realm Within

46. Sojourner's Sweet Dream

47. Miko's night

48. Street of Elegance

49. The Land of Her Serenity

50. The Mysterious Islands

51. Everlasting Devotion

52. Kitsune's Mask

53. Hanachirusato

54. Time to say Farewell

55. Flickering Sakura

56. Murmuring Creek

59. Island of Hanabi -> 현재 결정 곡 제목에 오타있음 (Hnanabi)

61. Illuminated Coral Palace

62. A Tranquil Town

63. In a Harmonious Atmosphere

65. Misty Truth

66. Sorrows of Strays

67. Ruu's Melody

70. Dirge of the Soundless

71. Nothing but Ivy

72. Fogotten Epic