아까 버퍼랑 버퍼 리테이너 손상 된거 받고 KIC에 문의한 내용 답변이 왔는데.....

Dear Sir,

We've checked this isolated incident initially with our technicians and packing team.
The rifle was functioning properly during the test firing, and after disassembling and packing, the buffer did not pop out from the tube.
So the buffer retainer is still intact when we ship out, not sure what happened during the transportation or Customs inspection.

Without the buffer retainer, the rifle should still be able to function, please check your rifle and see if there's any other problems.
I've attached the part list of M110, if you found other issues, please highlight the damaged part in the part list and let us know as soon as possible.
We will send your inquiry to VFC and see what they can do as soon as we receive the list from you.


모자란 실력에 영어 해석해 보고 어? 싶어서 혹시나 하고 파파고 돌려서 읽어봤는데

포장할 때 문제 없었고 버퍼 리테이너 없이도 작동 가능하니 조립해서 써보고 이상없으면 그냥 쓰라는 말 아니냐 이거?

사용해보고 다른 문제 있으면 연락주고.....내가 잘못 이해한건가 싶어 글 써본다.