WGC 직구 처음해봐서 걱정되는 사람들이 "맘이 바뀌거나 그냥 환불하고 싶어서" 페이팔 쪽으로 결제시 어떻게 되는지,

정보 기록용으로 글 한번씀. 매번 글써서 물어보는것 보다 여기서 게시글 검색해서 정보찾는게 유용한거 같아서 처음하는 사람들 도움이 됐으면 해서. 실제 페이팔로 결제한번 해보고 취소까지 직접경험해보고 씀.(여러번해본 사람들은 안봐도 될 듯.)

우선 나는 WGC측에서 재고가 있다는 답변을 받은 물건을 주문함. 그리고 다음날 "미진행 상태( UNFULFILLED )" 중인 주문을 취소하고 환불 신청함.

환불신청은 WGC사이트 우측하단 챗으로 해도 되고, 이메일로 보내도 됨.

여기서 제일 궁금해 할 수수료임. 

Please Note : Terms of Canceling Orders & Handling Fee ( Update on 30 JULY 2022 )

  • 2% platform transaction fee ( The minimum handling fee is HK$10 ) - When order status " UNFULFILLED ".
  • 5% handling & restocking fee ( The minimum handling fee is HK$20 ) - When order status " FULFILLED " .
  • 5% Paypal handling fee - If the buyer paid with Paypal but without a Paypal account
  • 10% handling fee - When the order contains any type of modification work, and the work has been in processing.
  • 15% handling fee - When the order contains any type of modification work, and the work has been in completed.

각 항목마다 수수료가 다르고, 나는 결과적으로 첫번째 항목에 해당하는 수수료를 냈음. 대략 18홍콩달러 정도 냈음.

메일로 이런 내용의 메일을 받으면 회신으로 동의한다는 문장을 복사해서 넣어 보내면 됨. 

무조건 이렇다가 아니라 이렇게 주문했다가 환불신청하니까 이런결과도 있었다 정도로 봐주면 좋겠음. 

백오더나 프리오더의 경우 구매자 개인사유로 환불원할 경우는 직접해보지 않아서 뭐라 말할 수 가 없고 받은 이메일에 써있는 전문 올림.

Recently, some customers often cancel orders for no reason,

which increases our transaction expenses and processing time

In desperation, we will charge a handling fee for the order in the following situations.

If your order is not in the following situations, we will not charge a handling fee.

Please Note : Terms of Canceling Orders & Handling Fee ( Update on 30 JULY 2022 )


WGC will charge the following if the order is cancelled for purely personal reasons, if it is not due to 30 days non-delivery of the goods / confirmed non-delivery of the goods by the vendor / non-delivery of the goods from the receiving area or delivery of the goods***

For PRE-ORDER items

WGC will charge the following fees for cancellation of an order after the item has arrived

  • 2% platform transaction fee ( The minimum handling fee is HK$10 ) - When order status " UNFULFILLED ".
  • 5% handling & restocking fee ( The minimum handling fee is HK$20 ) - When order status " FULFILLED " .
  • 5% Paypal handling fee - If the buyer paid with Paypal but without a Paypal account
  • 10% handling fee - When the order contains any type of modification work, and the work has been in processing.
  • 15% handling fee - When the order contains any type of modification work, and the work has been in completed.

Bank charges for wire transfer orders will not be refunded

*** Excluding countries where airsoft are illegal

Whether to charge a handling fee will be determined by the progress of the order.

The refund procedure will only be carried out after the buyer agrees and accepts the terms

Please reply "I accept the above cancellation terms and agree start the cancellation procedure"